Ruano-García, Javier. 2010. Early Modern Northern English Lexis: A
Literary Corpus-Based Study. Linguistic Insights Series 155. Bern,
Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang. 611

> Book synopsis:
> The history of regional 'Englishes' in the Early Modern period still
> presents numerous lacunae that need to be filled, in order to provide a
> complete insight into the English linguistic setting at this time. This
> book aims to remedy these deficiencies in some measure. In particular,
> this monograph seeks to shed light upon the history of Early Modern
> Northern English vocabulary by means of the first corpus of Early Modern
> texts where Northern linguistic traits are used for literary purposes. It
> provides a linguistically documented description of Northern words from a
> synchronic standpoint, dealing with their distribution, etymology, as well
> as with some of their morphological and semantic characteristics. In
> addition, this study offers a discussion of the Early Modern literary
> representations of Northern speech. A thorough revision of the treatment
> that Northern lexical items are given in contemporary and modern
> lexicographical sources is also presented, together with a glossary that
> outlines the diachronic profile of the terms gathered.
> Contents:
> Representations of the North in Early Modern English literature: sources
> for linguistic analysis - The Salamanca Corpus - Lexicographical sources
> for the study of Early Modern northern words: data and problems of
> analysis - Northern and non-northern words used in the literary
> representations of the North - Etymological, morphological and semantic
> characteristics of the words recorded - Quantitative investigation into
> the lexical dialect data of the corpus texts - Lexicological and
> lexicographical potential of the corpus data - Diachronic profile of the
> words gathered.


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