1º Sesión

- Mª Jesús López Sánchez-Vizcaíno (UCO), "Literature Keeps its Secrets: Silence and Alterity in J.M. Coetzee's Foe ".

- Susan Ballyn (UB), "'Orders came for us to turn our backs. A great sheet of heat burnt the backs of our necks'. How history turned its back on the facts and consequences of British atomic bomb testing in Australia".

2º Sesión

Mesa Redonda: "New Developments in African American and African Diasporic Studies". Moderadora: Mar Gallego (UHU)

Participantes: Pilar Cuder (UHU), Isabel Soto (UNED) y Asunción Aragón (UCA)

3º Sesión

- Pilar Villar Argáiz (UGR), "The Exiled Irish Writer: An 'Orientalist'?".

- Mª Isabel Alonso Breto (UB), "On Women's Bonds and Diaspora Rearrangements: Aspects of Makeda Silvera's The Heart does not Bend".

- Carmen Arzúa Azurmendi (UCM), "Healing the colonial wounds: Autobiographical migration in the work of Lee Maracle".

4º Sesión

Mesa redonda: "Veinte años de literatura canadiense anglófona en España (1986-2006)".Moderadora: Pilar Somacarrera (UAM)

Participantes: Pilar Cuder (UHU),   Eva Darias (ULL)

5º Sesión

- Pedro Carmona Rodríguez (ULL), " No Law and a Mighty Congregation of Indians : Westering Processes and the Performativity of the American Nation in Guy Vanderhaege's The Englishman Boy ".

- Mª de la Cinta Mesa González (UHU),   "El discurso post-histórico en La casa de la Laguna de Rosario Ferré".

- Paloma Fresno Calleja (UIB), "Debunking Myths of Authenticity: Vilsoni Hereniko and Teresia Tewaia's Last Virgin in Paradise ".

6º Sesión

Mesa redonda: "Perspectives on Postcolonial Studies".
Moderadora: Susan Ballyn (UB)
Participantes:   Dolors Collellmir (URV), Kathleen Firth (UB), Caty Ribas (UB)